A quick explore of this place as we were local in the area after finishing another local explore. Great place to look around and some interesting history on the place, worth noting that this was clearly kept secret as the site is secured with high fences and razor wire and not even marked on the map! If your still reading and haven’t heard of this place yet, here’s the history!
“The bomb storage bunkers were each intended to house two Blue Danube thermonuclear bombs on their trolleys and were fitted with an internal crane gantry to carry the 7.32 metre-long casings, which contained all of the circuitry, detonators, initiators and enriched plutonium required. The fissile cores were stored separately in the adjacent core storage buildings and were only loaded into the bomb casings immediately before they were needed, to provide the critical mass which would result in detonation of the main charge. In 1953 the perceived British stockpile requirement was 800 bombs each yielding between ten and twelve kilotons of explosive power. There are several hundred such munitions bunkers on British post-war airfields, most of which did not house nuclear devices.”