
Cambridge Regional War Room (RSG4)

En route back from RAF Upwood we decided to stop by Cambridge’s Regional War Room, aka RSG4 after developing a somewhat large fascination of bunkers. I was almost not going to bother uploading this due to a lack of pictures and lack of entry at all, however as there are no reports on this place at all anyway here is what I did get along with some history on the place…

The two storey blockhouse is located in its own very secure compound at the rear of the Government offices site in Brooklands Avenue on the outskirts of Cambridge. It is surrounded by a 10ft high fence topped with barbed wire. This bunker was originally built as a regional war room  identical to the one at Shirley in Birmingham but had an extension added to it later when it became RSG4.

The compound is 100yds by 40yds in size and is in one corner of the Government (MAFF) site. The building is currently the subject of an attempt to have it listed as it has a number of unique features and was 1 of only 2 purpose built RSG’s. (That at Nottingham differs as the extension was built on top of the existing war room) The site is to be sold for housing and MAFF have left it up to the developers to negotiate with English Heritage. If the listing application fails, the building will be demolished.

Read more history here.