Staying local for a change to tick off those I never got round to visiting leading us to the North Weald Decoy KQ site for a nice relaxed explore.
Tag: essex
POW Camp 116
It’s noticeable, I haven’t explored much the last few years so with the screw it attitude I head over to what I thought had long gone. With a few baffled people telling me otherwise, over to POW 116 we went!
Brentwood Police Station
With an ever lasting itch to explore a prison or police station that needed scratching, the time came to explore Brentwood Police Station. Unfortunately solo but a great explore despite!
Off Road Action Park
Visiting a few times previously for non urbex related reasons, and touching on a few abandoned vehicles previously, little did I know the whole site is actually an old military themed action park.
Bambers Green Riding Centre
Knowing this place from years ago in the days it was active, and heading back from a days exploring in Norfolk, this was last on the list for myself and RelictaSpiritus.
Military Vehicles
An accidental find while picking up car parts, the tail end of a plane caught my attention which was a good enough excuse for a mooch for me.
Regal/Odeon Cinema
Three locations in one day and still time to head home for an Easter dinner. Onto the old Regal/Odeon cinema to see what myself and onethirtytwo_ could find.
Co-op Supermarket
Went to do the shopping but the shop was abandoned! We found a cookie though, but it was out of date. Far from the average explore this one.
St Peter and St Paul’s Church
With a slightly later Easter weekend start to the day than usual, making my way over to a certain church in Essex to meet with onethirtytwo_ to kick off the days splore.
The Square
It’s been a while once again since I have explored, tied up in one of many of lifes distractions… However, I am back and this time armed with a new wide angle lens!