Another unexpected surprise after aiming for another well known nearby site, with additional bonus of the access door being wide open in a welcoming fashion from the cold.
Ocean Hotel
Moving onto another location on a weekend exploring trip away to the Isle of Wight, the Ocean Hotel made for a welcome break from the December wind and cold.
St Georges Park Stadium
Within the first 30 mins of arriving on Isle of Wight for a 3 day weekend trip of urbexing, we came across this place while stocking up on snacks from a nearby supermarket.
St Lawrence Railway Tunnel
Working through as many locations over a 3 day weekend in the Isle of Wight, it would have been rude not to check out a nice old train tunnel hidden away on the side of a hill.
Farleigh Down Tunnel
Having had this place on my must see list for quite some time and some recent pictures from other explorers giving us more of an incentive, a business trip the right direction was welcomed last minute.
RAF Hunsdon Dispersed Site #3
With multiple Uber drivers refusing to take us to the middle of nowhere, we made our way on foot to what we thought was only a small number of air raid shelters. We were in for a nice surprise!
The Jolly Waggoners
Urbex trips are few and far between these days, so for this old pub to appear while working nearby it’s hard not to jump at it no matter how derpy it is.
Shirburn Primary School
A visit by chance, being local in the area and a quick search for local spots brought this place to our attention. At first, not even noticing the building being near totally covered in ivy.
Ferry House Fish Farm
Being in Oxfordshire out on a work job and this place being local gave the perfect opportunity for a few well over due urbex trips and obligatory McDonalds.
Allen Williams Turret
Stumbling across a news article about this Allen Williams Turret that had recently been listed alongside a busy duel carriageway, with the bonus of being local gave the perfect opportunity to get out for fresh air.